Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year, New Challenges...

First of all, I would like to welcome everyone to my blog (even though I'm pretty sure Brandy is the only one who will be reading this.) I had a very short lived blog last year called "Journey To Becoming A Lady", and I was giving some thought to starting that blog back up again, but I realized that I had changed over the past year, and that title/blog wasn't really direction that I wanted to go in anymore. For the longest time I have tried to shove myself into boxes or labels, trying to look like everyone else's version of 'pretty', or 'hot', or God forbid 'hawt', instead of looking the way that I wanted to look. I've gotten slightly better about it over the past couple of months, but I'm still not fully comfortable with myself yet.

I'm going to put the truth out there - I'm fat. I like to say that I have curves, which is true, and I am learning to embrace them. But I also have a tummy that doesn't really quit, and thighs that look like hams. I read an blog entry today about 'coming out' as plus-sized. And even though considering my height I technically kind of skirt the borderline between 'normal' sizes and 'plus' sizes, I do know what it feels like. And this is all part of accepting myself for who I am.

So I shall introduce myself, your hostess. I am a 20 year old female, 5'11", curvy as hell, with hair down to my ass and big blue eyes and lips. I am not your typical model, but that is one thing that I am okay with. I have piercings, tattoos, and a mouth like a sailor. These are facts about me, and things that I refuse to be sorry for. But right now, they're all just words on a screen. I need to help myself figure out what they really mean.

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