Monday, February 1, 2010

A Good Day

Yes, I know that I am VERY creative in my blog titles, aren't I?

So due to a rather drastic scheduling change, I have gone from working three nights a week to four days and a night. And I am very much NOT a morning person. At all. In no way shape or form. So this has kind of been a bit of a problem for me.

Although I kind of like my routine now. My mother isn't much of a morning person either, which meant that when I was in school, mornings were hectic and not much fun. But now that we are both on almost the same schedule, she is actually making me breakfast and we are getting along a lot better than we had been. I like it.

Moving on. I decided that I would wear an awesome outfit today to combat the fact that it is Monday. And I did. Grey tank top with a white button down layered over it, black and white print skirt, tights, Sanitas clogs. Jewelery is my normal rings and watches, a string of pears, and a red jeweled bracelet that someone picked up for me at recycling. Hair is up in a hat, as per usual. Makeup: white shadow, powder, RED lipstick.

But I think the most important thing is that I am wearing my septum ring out! I got this piercing over two years ago, and it is only now that I am... comfortable sharing it with other people. I had my reasons for keeping it hidden, and I still love the fact that I can do that, but... I've reached a point where I don't feel like I have to. It's like the rest of my body modifications - when I got them, I planned them so that I would be able to hide them easily. But I don't have to. I actually took the time to explain my tattoos to my grandmother yesterday, and she seemed to understand them. (Of course, I also have done this before, but still. Progress.)

So maybe this isn't a good day because of my outfit. Maybe it's a good day because of my confidence!

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