Monday, February 22, 2010

"Well, now that you've seen the plan, I'm going to go... and show the plan to somebody else"

Sorry that I haven't been posting as much (does anybody even read this thing), but I just wanted to cement my plans for later, because I have this feeling that if I write it down somewhere then I will be more apt to actually do it.

I know that this will probably gross most people out, but a while ago I stopped shaving my legs. It was partly because it was going to be winter, so I wouldn't be showing anyone my legs anyway, and partly because... I just didn't want to. So I stopped shaving my legs, and then everything else just fell by the wayside. I think that this has a lot to do with my depression, and the fact that for the past couple of... forever, actually, I haven't really been at my best. So it didn't seem to matter if I was disgusting and hairy, because nobody would see it - even if they wanted to.

But for some reason today is different. I'm not sure if it is because of the fact that I have kind of been talking to a (kinda) new boy, the fact that I am telling myself to get over the old one, or just because I want to take care of myself, and honestly - I don't care. I just know that I woke up this morning and suddenly this wasn't... an OK way to be.

So on top of doing laundry and a fly lady mission - everything centered in my bedroom, which is at the moment one of the messiest rooms in the house, another way that you can tell I have let myself go - tonight, I am going to have a little pamper mission.

I am going to take a nice hot shower, really wash my hair, shave everything and just make myself feel good. Then I am going to lotion up, brush out my hair, and go to sleep.

The really sad thing is, none of this is really groundbreaking stuff. It's all pretty basic, but it's stuff that gets neglected when I'm depressed - not saying that I won't shower, but I won't shave, or I won't brush my hair out after a shower, which leads to tangles, etc. I guess those commercials that say how much depression hurts really know what they're talking about, huh?

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